Android Development

Learn Latest Version of Java, Android Development & Android Studio from Scratch in 3 months. ICONIC EDUCATION  provides the best Android Development Course in Vasai

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Android Development

Learn Latest Version of Java, Android Development & Android Studio from Scratch in 3 months. ICONIC EDUCATION provides the best Android Development Course in Vasai

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Modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager

Advanced Android Coding Classes in Vasai

Advanced Android Coding Classes in Vasai

  • Build an app using the above concepts and publish this in Google Play.
  • Learn to use Service and Notifications.
  • Get a solid understanding of tools used in Android development like Eclipse, Android Studio and debugging tools.
  • Understand Android Components like Broadcast receiver, loaders and content providers to persist and recover data.
  • Become a professional app developer.
  • Build apps for your business.
  • Design wonderful layouts for app.


Modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager

  • Build an app using the above concepts and publish this in Google Play.
  • Learn to use Service and Notifications.
  • Get a solid understanding of tools used in Android development like Eclipse, Android Studio and debugging tools.
  • Understand Android Components like Broadcast receiver, loaders and content providers to persist and recover data.
  • Become a professional app developer.
  • Build apps for your business.
  • Design wonderful layouts for app.


Android Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Android
What is Android and Android Studio?
Android Architecture and Libraries.
Dalvik Virtual Machine, DDMS, SDK Manager and AVD Manager.
Android API levels (versions & version names).
Setting Android Programming Environment.
Module 2:
Application Structure
Basic Building blocks – Activities and Activity Life Cycle.
Gradle & Build.Gradle.
Layouts & Drawable Resource.
Values (Color.xml, String.xml and styles.xml).
First sample Application.
Module 3:
Emulator-Android Virtual Device
Create emulator.
Editing emulator settings.
Emulator shortcuts.
Log-cat usage.
Timber library.
Testing Application in Different Screens resolutions And OS version Emulators.
Module 4:
UI design
Form widgets.
Text Fields.
Using CoordinatorLayout.
Material Design (Snackbar, fab button , toolbar etc).
Life Cycle App.
Calculator App.
Kids App to learn Month, Weekdays, number 1 to 10.
Personal Info App.
Module 5:
UI Components
Time-picker and Date-picker.
ImageView and Vector Images.
Radio Button and Radio Group.
CheckBox & Spinner.
SeekBar & AutoCompleteTextview.
Module 6:
Explicit Intents (Communicating data among Activities).
Implicit intents (Phone Calls, SMS and Email Sending).
Services & Broadcast Sending and Receivers.
Problems with services and solutions.
Thread Running in Background Services.
Kids App to learn Month, Weekdays, number 1 to 10.
Personal Info App.
Module 7:
Adapters and List Views
RecyclerView with CardView.
CustomListview, Listview and Gridview.
Using ArrayAdapters, BaseAdapters.
Project: Implement RecyclerView with Grid Layout Manager.
Module 8:
Data Storage
Shared Preferences.
Android File System.
Project: Sign-In, Sign Out And Sign-up App.
Module 9:
(Content Providers)
Creating Database.
Inserting, Updating, Deleting & Select Operations.
Using Cursor Reading and updating records in DB.
Develop an App for CRUD operations.
Food recipe mobile app.
Module 10:
Google API Services
GPS, Location Manager based Services.
Google MAP Integration with API Key.
Apps Notification
Module 11:
Networking Connection</span
Implementing Async Task.
JSON Parsing with GET and POST Requests Using Retrofit Or Volley Library.
Glide Library for Image Loading from URL.
Accessing Image from Gallery and Upload on Web Server Using API.
Capture Photos & Upload on Server Using Retrofit or Volley.
Display list of category and onClick content inside with view pager.
Implement ViewPager. Create share and download option for content like text, audio, video and Image.
Module 12:
Fragments Life Cycle With respect to Activity Class.
Communication between two fragments.
Communication and data transfer between activity and fragment.
View Pager.
Module 13:
Advanced Topic
Transition Animation.
Action Bar and Custom Action Bar.
Swipe Refresh.
Drag Drop Effect.
VideoView & Media player.
Using Webview.
Dashboard UI Design.
Alert Dialog Boxes.
NavigationView with DrawerLayout.
Introduction to MVVM.
Generate Signed APK for Google App Store.
Module 14:
Firebase database
Firebase database.
Configure firebase.
Integrating into your application.
Create a new project.
Configure firebase.
Integrating into your application.
Configure database access.


Android Development Course Content

Module 1:
Introduction to Android
  • What is Android and Android Studio?
  • Android Architecture and Libraries.
  • Dalvik Virtual Machine, DDMS, SDK Manager and AVD Manager.
  • Android API levels (versions & version names).
  • Setting Android Programming Environment.
Module 2:
Application Structure
  • Basic Building blocks – Activities and Activity Life Cycle.
  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • Gradle & Build.Gradle.
  • Layouts & Drawable Resource.
  • Values (Color.xml, String.xml and styles.xml).
  • First sample Application.
Module 3:
Emulator-Android Virtual Device
  • Create emulator.
  • Editing emulator settings.
  • Emulator shortcuts.
  • Log-cat usage.
  • Timber library.
  • Testing Application in Different Screens resolutions And OS version Emulators.
Module 4:
UI design
  • Form widgets.
  • Text Fields.
  • Using CoordinatorLayout.
  • RelativeLayout.
  • LinearLayout.
  • ConstraintLayout.
  • Material Design (Snackbar, fab button , toolbar etc).
  • Project:
    • Life Cycle App.
    • Calculator App.
    • Kids App to learn Month, Weekdays, number 1 to 10.
    • Personal Info App.
Module 5:
UI Components
  • Time-picker and Date-picker.
  • ImageView and Vector Images.
  • Radio Button and Radio Group.
  • CheckBox & Spinner.
  • SeekBar & AutoCompleteTextview.
Module 6:
  • Explicit Intents (Communicating data among Activities).
  • Implicit intents (Phone Calls, SMS and Email Sending).
  • Services & Broadcast Sending and Receivers.
  • Problems with services and solutions.
  • Thread Running in Background Services.
  • Project:
    • Kids App to learn Month, Weekdays, number 1 to 10.
    • Personal Info App.
Module 7:
Adapters and List Views
  • RecyclerView with CardView.
  • CustomListview, Listview and Gridview.
  • Using ArrayAdapters, BaseAdapters.
  • Project: Implement RecyclerView with Grid Layout Manager.
Module 8:
Data Storage
  • Shared Preferences.
  • Android File System.
  • Project: Sign-In, Sign Out And Sign-up App.
Module 9:
(Content Providers)
  • Creating Database.
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting & Select Operations.
  • Using Cursor Reading and updating records in DB.
  • Project:
    • Develop an App for CRUD operations.
    • Food recipe mobile app.
Module 10:
Google API Services
  • GPS, Location Manager based Services.
  • Google MAP Integration with API Key.
  • Apps Notification.
Module 11:
Networking Connection
  • Implementing Async Task.
  • JSON Parsing with GET and POST Requests Using Retrofit Or Volley Library.
  • Glide Library for Image Loading from URL.
  • Accessing Image from Gallery and Upload on Web Server Using API.
  • Projects:
    • Capture Photos & Upload on Server Using Retrofit or Volley.
    • Display list of category and onClick content inside with view pager.
    • Implement ViewPager. Create share and download option for content like text, audio, video and Image.
Module 12:
  • Fragments Life Cycle With respect to Activity Class.
  • Communication between two fragments.
  • Communication and data transfer between activity and fragment.
  • View Pager.
  • TabLayout.
Module 13:
Advanced Topic
  • Animation.
  • Transition Animation.
  • Action Bar and Custom Action Bar.
  • Swipe Refresh.
  • Drag Drop Effect.
  • VideoView & Media player.
  • Using Webview.
  • Dashboard UI Design.
  • Alert Dialog Boxes.
  • NavigationView with DrawerLayout.
  • Introduction to MVVM.
  • Generate Signed APK for Google App Store.
Module 14:
Firebase database
  • Firebase database.
  • Configure firebase.
  • Integrating into your application.
  • Access.
  • Create a new project.
  • Configure firebase.
  • Integrating into your application.
  • Configure database access.