Full Stack Developer

The Full Stack Developer course will teach you the subtleties of data structures and algorithms. This job-assured 6-month program will prepare you for a successful career as a full-stack web developer by providing you with the technical knowledge of front-end and back-end programming.

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Full Stack Developer

The Full Stack Developer course will teach you the subtleties of data structures and algorithms. This job-assured 6-month program will prepare you for a successful career as a full-stack web developer by providing you with the technical knowledge of front-end and back-end programming.

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Who Is This Course For?

Candidates with the following prerequisites can apply for Full Stack Development certification courses:

Full Stack Development Course Classes in Vasai

Full Stack Development Course in Vasai-Virar

Final year students from STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks

Full Stack Development Course in Vasai-Virar

Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks

Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years) in non-development IT roles – QA, testers, IT support, etc.

Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission

Who Is This Course For?

Candidates with the following prerequisites can apply for Full Stack Development certification courses:

Full Stack Development Course in Vasai-Virar

Final year students from STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks

Full Stack Development Course in Vasai-Virar

Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks

Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years) in non-development IT roles – QA, testers, IT support, etc.

Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission

Course Content

Data Structures & Algorithms Course Content
Math’s for Programming What Is Discrete Mathematics?
What Is A Set?
Interval Notation & Common Sets
What Is A Rational Number?
Non-Rational Number
Set Operators
Subsets & Supersets
The Universe & Complements
Idempotent & Identity Laws
Complement & Involution Laws
Associative & Commutative Laws
Distributive Law
DeMorgan’s Law
What Is Logic?
Composite Propositions
Truth Tables
Idempotent & Identity Laws
Complement & Involution Laws
Commutative Laws
Associative & Distributive Laws
DeMorgan’s Laws
Conditional Statements
Logical Quantifiers
What Are Tautologies?
Algorithm Introduction to Algorithm
Analysis of Algorithm
Introduction to Divide and Conquer
Understanding Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Advantages of Divide and Conquer
Asymptotic Notations
Understanding Different Ways of Algorithm Graph/Bit/ Randomise
Measuring Algorithm Performance
Data Structures Basic Overview of Data Structures – List Set, Map, Graph,Dictionary and the Need of these Data Structures
Mutable vs Immutable
Iterating over Data Structures
Basic Search Algorithms – Binary, Quick, Merge, Heap: pros/cons
Understanding how to identify Time Complexity/Space Complexity
Choosing appropriate DS and Algo for Problem
Understanding TRIE
Introduction to Compressing Data with the Right Data Structure,Storing Data in a Hashed Way
Competitive Programming What is Competitive Programming and How to Prepare for It?
How to Perform Fast I/O, Useful Libraries, Input/Output Files
Input Methods
Choose Correct Language to Solve the Problem Language, Time Complexity: Analysis
Setting up a Competitive Programming Environment, Identifying
the Right Tools, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search
Understanding Dijkstra Algorithm and its Implications
Back-end Development, Databases & DevOps Course Content
SDLC, Agile Introduction to Software Development Environment
Overview of Programming Languages and Technology Stack
Overview of Engineering Tools, Discussion about Different Approaches
Overview of Agile approach, Knowing Scrum/Sprint/Kanban Terminologies
Introduction to JIRA Overview of JIRA
Walkthrough of the JIRA Interface
Creating Epic, User Story, Task, Sub-task
Understanding Various Charts Available
Git & GitHub Our First Repository – Git
Branching and Merging
Introducing GitHub (understand local vs/ cloud) Storage
Creating an Account and Cloning all Codes to GitHub
Working with PR and Creating Branches
Postgres PostgreSQL
Introduction to PostgreSQL
Installing PostgreSQL
Load Data in Postgres
Aggregate Function
Count, Minimum, Maximum, Sum and Average
How to Insert
Update and Delete Data from Tables in PostgreSQL
How to Retrieve Data from tables using Select Queries
Build Complex SQL Queries to extract important Data from Databases using Table Joins.
Use SQL Aggregate Functions and Group Data using Group by Clauses
Working with Complex Aggregate Functions
Data from Multiple Tables, Having Clause
MongoDB Introduction to NoSQL Databases (MongoDB)
What is MongoDB?, NoSQL Databases v/s Relational dbs, When
to prefer MongoDB over other NoSQL dbs?
The Current SQL/NoSQL Landscape, Document-oriented vs
Other Types of Storage, Mongo’s Features, Common Use Cases
Introduction to JSON
Documents and Collections
Creating Documents, Managing Documents in Collections,Iterating over Documents
Simple Queries
Field Equality Tests, Operators Available, Projections, Limiting Results and Paging
Working with Indexes Creating Index, Simple Index, Compound
Index, Hint, Looking at Different Index Types like Text, Sparse, 2D
Java Programming Introduction to Core Java Programming and Concepts
Class and Object Basics
The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming, Classes,
References, and Instantiation, Adding Data to a Class Definition,Adding Methods (Behaviour)
Package Overview – Using Packages to Organise Code, Import
Statements, Creating Packages, Package Statements, Required Directory Structure, Finding Classes
Packages and Classpath, More on Classes and Objects, Accessing
Data, the ‘this’ Variable, Encapsulation and Access Control,
Public and Private Access, Constructors and Initialisation, Static
Members of a Class, Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects,
Using Lombok for Automated Class Members
More on Classes and Objects
Accessing Data, the ‘this’ Variable, Encapsulation and Access
Control, Public and Private Access, Constructors and
Initialisation, Static Members of a Class, Scopes, Blocks,References to Objects
Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy, Try, Catch and Handling
Exceptions, Program Flow with Exceptions
Creating User-defined Exceptions and Exception Funneling
Using Interfaces to Define Types, Interfaces and Abstract Classes,
Default Methods and Static Methods (Java 1.8 or later only)
Using Interfaces to Remove Implementation Dependencies
Collection: What is Collection? Types of Collection, Need of
Collection, List- ArrayList, LinkedList, Contracts between the
Hashcode and Equals Method, Set- HashSet, LinkedHashSet,
TreeSet {comparable, comparator(using java 8)}
Java 8 Features: Functional Interface, Bifunctional Interface
Predicate, Bipredicate, Consumer, Biconsumer, Supplier
Stream: Types of Stream, Stream Methods and Example
Threads: Reference Types and Threading,
Working with Types: Wrapper Classes
I/O Streams
Readers and Writers, Filter Streams, Byte Streams
Formatted Output
Serialisation Storing and Retrieving from External Files
Database Access with JDBC
JDBC Overview, JDBC Architecture, Drivers and Types of Drivers,
Driver Manager, Connection Statement, Prepared Statement,Performing CRUD Operations
JPA Getting started with Hibernate
Overview of the Hibernate
Hibernate vs. JPA
Distribution, Configuring Hibernate, Java-based Configuration,
Bootstrapping, SessionFactory Configuration, Connection
Properties, Database dialect of Configuration Class, Session
Interface, Mapping a Class, Primary Keys: Id property, Generated
Id, Hibernate Type System, Working with Sessions and Persistent
Objects, What is Cache? Types & their Implementations
The Persistence Lifecycle
Transaction Overview and Transactions in Hibernate, The
Lifecycle of Managed Objects, Persistent, Transient, and
Detached Objects, The Persistence (Session), Context (Lifespan,
Relation to Managed Objects, Propagation), Performing CRUD Operations
Spring Introduction to Spring
IOC: All Frameworks Use the IoC Principle
Dependency Injection: Spring Framework Supports
Using Spring to Configure an Application
Simplifying Application Configuration
Annotation-Based Dependency Injection
Autowiring and Component Scanning
Component Scanning: How to Do it Right
XML Versus Annotations: When to Use What
Life Cycle Annotations: @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
Stereotypes and Meta-annotations
Java-Based Dependency Injection
@Configuration and @Bean annotations
Where is the Magic? Inheritance-based Proxies
Equivalent to XML namespaces: @Enable Annotations
When to Use Java Configuration
Bean Life Cycle: How Does Spring Work Internally?
Spring MVC Spring Web
Introduction Spring Web Application
Creating Spring MVC in Web Application
Spring Boot Spring Boot Introduction
Introduction to Spring Boot, Value Proposition of Spring Boot,
High-level Spring Boot Features, Creating a Simple Boot
Application using Spring Starter
Dependency Management using Spring Boot Starters, How Auto-
configuration Works, Configuration Properties, Overriding Auto-
configuration, Using CommandLineRunner,
Introduction to MongoRepository, Performing CRUD Operations with MongoDB
Introduction to JPA & Performing CRUD Operations
Open API 3.0 API First Approach, REST design, API Design, Swagger
Introduction to Open API Standard, Versions, Format, Document
Structure, Data Types, Rich Text, Relative References in URLs, Schema
SpringRest What is Web Service, Types, Why Rest Over Soap?
How to implement REST in Spring Boot environment,
@postmapping , @getMapping, @putmapping, @deleteMapping
ResponseEntity, Returning Failure Messages in Terms ofJSONn,
@exceptionalhandler, @controlleradvice
What is spring aop? How it works internally, AOP vs OOP, Joinpoint, Pointcut, Advice
Spring Security What is Spring Security?
What is Authentication & Authorisation?
Overview of Spring Boot JWT Authentication
Spring Boot Signup & Login with JWT Authentication Flow
Spring Boot Server Architecture with Spring Security Technology
Project Structure
Setup New Spring Boot Project
Configure Spring Datasource, JPA, App Properties
Create the Models
Implement Repositories
Configure Spring Security
Implement UserDetails & UserDetailsService
Filter the Requests
Create a JWT Utility class
Handle Authentication Exception
Define payloads for Spring RestController
Create Spring RestAPIs Controllers
Run & Test
Microservices With Spring Boot Introduction to API-Gateway, Hystrix, Eureka and Building the Applications with Netflix Tools
Knowing What is Circuit Breaking, Setting up a Micro Service
Application, Apply Circuit Breaker Pattern
Locating Services, Introduction Load Balancing, Knowing
Failover of Middle-tier, ELK Stack, Kafka topics
Docker Docker
-Introduction to Docker, Docker Architecture, The Docker Hub,
Docker Installation, Creating Our First Image, Working with
Multiple Images, Containers, Packaging a Customised Container,
Running Container Commands with Docker
Exposing Our Container with Port Redirects
Seeding Container to hub.docker.com
Accessing Public Containers Created
Creating Network in Docker
Calling One Container from Other and Test
Prune Containers
Kubernetes Introduction to Kubernetees
What is Container Orchestration, Setting Up K8s, Working with
Miniube, Installing k8s using Docker Client, Understanding –
Node Architecture, Deployments, Services, Labels, Health checks, Pod, etc.
Deploying Spring Boot Application with K8s
CI/CD Introduction to CI/CD, Installing Jenkins, Setting Up Dependency Management
Containerising and Deploying a Spring Boot Application with Jenkins
(Source Code from SCM, Containerisation with Docker, Deploy on Local System)
Front-end Development Course Content
HTML Introduction To Web Development
How Web Applications Work
An introduction to HTML and CSS
Tools for Web Development
How to View Deployed Web Pages
Five Critical Web Development Issues
The HTML syntax, Images, Basic Skills for Working with Images
Advanced Skills for Working with Images
Related Skills for Working with Images, Forms, How to Use
Forms and Controls, Other Skills for Working with Forms
How to Use the HTML5 Features for Data Validation, How to Use the HTML5 Controls
A Web Page that Uses HTML5 Data Validation 
CSS Using CSS to Format the Elements of a Web Page
An introduction to CSS
Measurements and Colours, Selectors, Cascading Style Sheets
How to Work with Text
A Web Page that Uses External Style Sheets
Introduction to Media Queries
Creating applications with Mobile-first Approach
Difference between Desktop-first vs. Mobile-first
Bootstrap Creating Your First Web Page with Bootstrap
Including Bootstrap’s Files via CDN, Bootstrap Grid System,
Creating Fixed, Fluid Layout with Bootstrap
What is Responsive Web Design or Layout?
Bootstrap Typography, Tables, Lists, Forms, Input Groups, Buttons, Images, NavBar etc
Creating a form using Bootstrap
Creating a Static Site with Bootstrap
JavaScript Introduction to JavaScript Language, Using Script Tag, Inserting
Java Script into Tags, Linking Java Script from Separate Files,
JavaScript Expression and Operators, Defining and Naming
Variables, Data Types, Expression, Returning Values from Functions
Function: Advanced Concepts
Function as Data, Anonymous Function, Callbacks, Self-invoking
Function, Inner (Private) Functions, Functions that Return Functions
Function: Rewriting itself, Variable Scopes, Function Level, No Block Level, Global Level
What Are Objects?
Objects and the Dot Syntax, Creating an Object with a Constructor,
Properties of the Object, Methods of the Object
Introduction to ES6 Features
JQuery (Light) jQuery Introduction
– Install and Use jQuery Library
– Un-Obstructive JavaScript
– First jQuery Example
– jQuery Syntax
– Basic Selectors, Filters
ReactJS ReactJS Fundamentals
-Introduction to ReactJS, React and SPA
The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure, React Introduction,View Technology
-React and SPA, The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure,
Understanding What React Is, What Problem React Solves
First React Project, Code Formatter Setup, Building Static Site
Using React, JSX, Introduction, States and Properties, Stateless
Components, Stateful Components, Styling Approach in React
Component Lifecycle Events, Event Categories, Event Definition,
Mounting and Unmounting Events, Components and Props, State
and Lifecycle, Handling Events
useState, useEffect, useRef
Working with Hooks Example
Fetching Endpoint with Hook
Working with Lazy Initialisation with Hooks
Introduction to useContext
Redux for State Management, Introduction to Redux, Basic
Building Blocks, Store, Actions, Action Types and Action Creators,
Dispatch Mechanism, Vanilla Redux for Better Understanding,
Redux with ReactJS, The Application Flow, Choosing the Right
Model for Store, Implementing Redux for a Basic Application
Introduction to React Router
Route Configuration – Link, Navigate, Route, Router
Cloud – AWS Creating AWS Account, Understanding ec2 Instance
– Deploying Spring boot Application with Containerisation
Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
– S3 Regions, Buckets and Objects
Create Bucket in S3, Upload – Make Public – Rename – Delete File
in S3, Delete and Restore Files in S3
Testing : JUNIT, JEST


Data Structures & Algorithms Course Content
Module 1:
Math’s for Programming
  • What Is Discrete Mathematics?
  • What Is A Set?
  • Interval Notation & Common Sets
  • What Is A Rational Number?
  • Non-Rational Number
  • Set Operators
  • Subsets & Supersets
  • The Universe & Complements
  • Idempotent & Identity Laws
  • Complement & Involution Laws
  • Associative & Commutative Laws
  • Distributive Law
  • DeMorgan’s Law
  • What Is Logic?
  • Propositions
  • Composite Propositions
  • Truth Tables
  • Idempotent & Identity Laws
  • Complement & Involution Laws
  • Commutative Laws
  • Associative & Distributive Laws
  • DeMorgan’s Laws
  • Conditional Statements
  • Logical Quantifiers
  • What Are Tautologies?
Module 2:
  • Introduction to Algorithm
  • Analysis of Algorithm
  • Introduction to Divide and Conquer
  • Understanding Time Complexity
  • Space Complexity
  • Advantages of Divide and Conquer
  • Backtracking
  • Asymptotic Notations
  • Understanding Different Ways
  • Algorithm Graph/Bit/ Randomise
  • Measuring Algorithm Performance
Module 3:
Data Structures
  • Basic Overview of Data Structures
  • List Set, Map, Graph,Dictionary and the Need of these Data Structures
  • Mutable vs Immutable
  • Iterating over Data Structures
  • Basic Search Algorithms
  • Binary, Quick, Merge, Heap: pros/cons
  • Understanding how to identify Time Complexity/Space Complexity
  • Choosing appropriate DS and Algo for Problem
  • Understanding TRIE
  • Introduction to Compressing Data
  • Right Data Structure,Storing Data in a Hashed Way
Module 4:
Competitive Programming
  • What is Competitive Programming and How to Prepare for It?
  • How to Perform Fast I/O
  • Useful Libraries, Input/Output Files
  • Input Methods
  • Choose Correct Language to Solve the Problem Language
  • Time Complexity: Analysis
  • Setting up a Competitive Programming Environment, Identifying
  • the Right Tools, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search
  • Understanding Dijkstra Algorithm and its Implications
Back-end Development, Databases & DevOps Course Content
Module 1:
SDLC, Agile
  • Introduction to Software Development Environment
  • Overview of Programming Languages and Technology Stack
  • Overview of Engineering Tools,
  • Discussion about Different Approaches
  • Overview of Agile approach
  • Knowing Scrum/Sprint/Kanban Terminologies
Module 2:
Introduction to JIRA
  • Overview of JIRA
  • Walkthrough of the JIRA Interface
  • Creating Epic, User Story, Task, Sub-task
  • Understanding Various Charts Available
Module 3:
Git & GitHub
  • Our First Repository – Git
  • Branching and Merging
  • Introducing GitHub (understand local vs/ cloud) Storage
  • Creating an Account and Cloning all Codes to GitHub
  • Working with PR and Creating Branches
Module 4:
  • PostgreSQL
  • Introduction to PostgreSQL
  • Installing PostgreSQL
  • Load Data in Postgres
  • Aggregate Function
  • Count, Minimum, Maximum, Sum and Average
  • How to Insert
  • Update and Delete Data from Tables in PostgreSQL
  • How to Retrieve Data from tables using Select Queries
  • Build Complex SQL Queries to extract important Data
  • Databases using Table Joins.
  • Use SQL Aggregate Functions
  • Group Data using Group by Clauses
  • Working with Complex Aggregate Functions
  • Data from Multiple Tables, Having Clause
Module 5:
  • Introduction to NoSQL Databases (MongoDB)
  • What is MongoDB?, NoSQL Databases v/s Relational dbs, When
  • to prefer MongoDB over other NoSQL dbs?
  • The Current SQL/NoSQL Landscape, Document-oriented vs
  • Other Types of Storage, Mongo’s Features, Common Use Cases
  • Introduction to JSON
  • Documents and Collections
  • Creating Documents, Managing Documents in Collections,Iterating
  • Field Equality Tests, Operators Available, Projections, Limiting
  • Working with Indexes Creating Index, Simple Index, Compound
  • Index, Hint, Looking at Different Index Types like Text, Sparse, 2D
Module 6:
Java Programming
  • Introduction to Core Java Programming and Concepts
  • Class and Object Basics
  • The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming, Classes,
  • References, and Instantiation, Adding Data to a Class Definition,Adding
  • Package Overview – Using Packages to Organise Code, Import
  • Statements, Creating Packages, Package Statements, Required Directory
  • Packages and Classpath, More on Classes and Objects, Accessing
  • Data, the ‘this’ Variable, Encapsulation and Access Control,
  • Public and Private Access, Constructors and Initialisation, Static
  • Members of a Class, Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects,
  • Using Lombok for Automated Class Members
  • More on Classes and Objects
  • Accessing Data, the ‘this’ Variable, Encapsulation and Access
  • Control, Public and Private Access, Constructors and
  • Initialisation, Static Members of a Class, Scopes, Blocks,References
  • Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy, Try, Catch and Handling
  • Exceptions, Program Flow with Exceptions
  • Creating User-defined Exceptions and Exception Funneling
  • Using Interfaces to Define Types, Interfaces and Abstract Classes,
  • Default Methods and Static Methods (Java 1.8 or later only)
  • Using Interfaces to Remove Implementation Dependencies
  • Collection: What is Collection? Types of Collection, Need of
  • Collection, List- ArrayList, LinkedList, Contracts between the
  • Hashcode and Equals Method, Set- HashSet, LinkedHashSet,
  • TreeSet {comparable, comparator(using java 8)}
  • Java 8 Features: Functional Interface, Bifunctional Interface
  • Predicate, Bipredicate, Consumer, Biconsumer, Supplier
  • Stream: Types of Stream, Stream Methods and Example
  • Threads: Reference Types and Threading,
  • Working with Types: Wrapper Classes
  • I/O Streams
  • Readers and Writers, Filter Streams, Byte Streams
  • Formatted Output
  • Serialisation Storing and Retrieving from External Files
  • Database Access with JDBC
  • JDBC Overview, JDBC Architecture, Drivers and Types of Drivers,
  • Driver Manager, Connection Statement, Prepared Statement,Performing
Module 7:
  • Getting started with Hibernate
  • Overview of the Hibernate
  • Hibernate vs. JPA
  • Distribution, Configuring Hibernate, Java-based Configuration,
  • Bootstrapping, SessionFactory Configuration, Connection
  • Properties, Database dialect of Configuration Class, Session
  • Interface, Mapping a Class, Primary Keys: Id property, Generated
  • Id, Hibernate Type System, Working with Sessions and Persistent
  • Objects, What is Cache? Types & their Implementations
  • The Persistence Lifecycle
  • Transaction Overview and Transactions in Hibernate, The
  • Lifecycle of Managed Objects, Persistent, Transient, and
  • Detached Objects, The Persistence (Session), Context (Lifespan,
  • Relation to Managed Objects, Propagation), Performing CRUD
Module 8:
  • Introduction to Spring
  • IOC: All Frameworks Use the IoC Principle
  • Dependency Injection: Spring Framework Supports
  • Using Spring to Configure an Application
  • Simplifying Application Configuration
  • Annotation-Based Dependency Injection
  • Autowiring and Component Scanning
  • Component Scanning: How to Do it Right
  • XML Versus Annotations: When to Use What
  • Life Cycle Annotations: @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
  • Stereotypes and Meta-annotationsJava-Based Dependency Injection
  • When to Use Java Configuration
  • Bean Life Cycle: How Does Spring Work Internally?
Module 9:
Spring MVC
  • Spring Web
  • Introduction Spring Web Application
  • Creating Spring MVC in Web Application
Module 10:
Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot Introduction
  • Introduction to Spring Boot, Value Proposition of Spring Boot,
  • High-level Spring Boot Features, Creating a Simple Boot
  • Application using Spring Starter
  • Dependency Management using Spring Boot Starters, How Auto-
  • configuration Works, Configuration Properties, Overriding Auto-
  • configuration, Using CommandLineRunner,
  • Introduction to MongoRepository, Performing CRUD  MongoDB
  • Introduction to JPA & Performing CRUD Operations
Module 11:
Open API 3.0
  • API First Approach, REST design, API Design, Swagger
  • Introduction to Open API Standard, Versions, Format, Document
  • Structure, Data Types, Rich Text, Relative References in URLs, Schema
Module 12:
  • What is Web Service, Types, Why Rest Over Soap?
    How to implement REST in Spring Boot environment
  • What is spring aop?
  • How it works internally, AOP vs OOP, Joinpoint, Pointcut, Advice
Module 13:
Spring Security
  • What is Spring Security?
  • What is Authentication & Authorisation?
  • Overview of Spring Boot JWT Authentication
  • Spring Boot Signup & Login with JWT Authentication Flow
  • Spring Boot Server Architecture with Spring Security Technology
  • Project Structure
  • Setup New Spring Boot Project
  • Configure Spring Datasource, JPA, App Properties
  • Create the Models
  • Implement Repositories
  • Configure Spring Security
  • Implement UserDetails & UserDetailsService
  • Filter the Requests
  • Create a JWT Utility class
  • Handle Authentication Exception
  • Define payloads for Spring RestController
  • Create Spring RestAPIs Controllers
  • Run & Test
Module 14:
  • Introduction to API-Gateway, Hystrix, Eureka and Building
  • Knowing What is Circuit Breaking, Setting up a Micro Service
  • Application, Apply Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Locating Services, Introduction Load Balancing, Knowing
  • Failover of Middle-tier, ELK Stack, Kafka topics
Module 15:
  • Docker -Introduction to Docker, Docker Architecture, The Docker Hub,
  • Docker Installation, Creating Our First Image, Working with
  • Multiple Images, Containers, Packaging a Customised Container,
  • Running Container Commands with Docker
  • Exposing Our Container with Port Redirects
  • Seeding Container to hub.docker.com
  • Accessing Public Containers Created
  • Creating Network in Docker
  • Calling One Container from Other and Test
  • Prune Containers
Module 16:
  • Introduction to Kubernetees
  • What is Container Orchestration, Setting Up K8s, Working with
  • Miniube, Installing k8s using Docker Client, Understanding –
  • Node Architecture, Deployments, Services, Labels, Health checks, Pod, etc.
  • Deploying Spring Boot Application with K8s
Module 17:
  • Introduction to CI/CD, Installing Jenkins
  • Setting Up Dependency Management
  • Containerising and Deploying a Spring Boot Application with Jenkins
Front-end Development Course Content
Module 1:
  • Introduction To Web Development
  • How Web Applications Work
  • An introduction to HTML and CSS
  • Tools for Web Development
  • How to View Deployed Web Pages
  • Five Critical Web Development Issues
  • The HTML syntax, Images, Basic Skills for Working with Images
  • Advanced Skills for Working with Images
  • Related Skills for Working with Images, Forms, How to Use
  • Forms and Controls, Other Skills for Working with Forms
  • How to Use the HTML5 Features for Data Validation,
  • How to Use the HTML5 Controls
  • A Web Page that Uses HTML5 Data Validation
Module 2:
  • Using CSS to Format the Elements of a Web Page
  • An introduction to CSS
  • Measurements and Colours, Selectors, Cascading Style Sheets
  • How to Work with Text
  • A Web Page that Uses External Style Sheets
  • Introduction to Media Queries
  • Creating applications with Mobile-first Approach
  • Difference between Desktop-first vs. Mobile-first
Module 3:
  • Creating Your First Web Page with Bootstrap
  • Including Bootstrap’s Files via CDN, Bootstrap Grid System,
  • Creating Fixed, Fluid Layout with Bootstrap
  • What is Responsive Web Design or Layout?
  • Bootstrap Typography, Tables, Lists, Forms,
  • Input Groups, Buttons, Images, NavBar etc
  • Creating a form using Bootstrap
  • Creating a Static Site with Bootstrap
Module 4:
  • Introduction to JavaScript Language, Using Script Tag, Inserting
  • Java Script into Tags, Linking Java Script from Separate Files,
  • JavaScript Expression and Operators, Defining and Naming
  • Variables, Data Types, Expression, Returning Values from Functions
  • Function: Advanced Concepts
  • Function as Data, Anonymous Function, Callbacks, Self-invoking
  • Function, Inner (Private) Functions, Functions that Return Functions
  • Function: Rewriting itself, Variable Scopes, Function Level,
  • No Block Level, Global Level
  • What Are Objects?
  • Objects and the Dot Syntax, Creating an Object with a Constructor,
  • Properties of the Object, Methods of the Object
  • Introduction to ES6 Features
Module 5:
JQuery (Light)
  • jQuery Introduction
    – Install and Use jQuery Library
    – Un-Obstructive JavaScript
    – First jQuery Example
    – jQuery Syntax
    – Basic Selectors, Filters
Module 6:
  • ReactJS Fundamentals
    -Introduction to ReactJS, React and SPA
  • The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure, React Introduction,
  • View Technology
    -React and SPA, The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure,
    Understanding What React Is, What Problem React Solves
  • First React Project, Code Formatter Setup, Building Static Site
  • Using React, JSX, Introduction, States and Properties, Stateless
  • Components, Stateful Components, Styling Approach in React
  • Component Lifecycle Events, Event Categories, Event Definition,
  • Mounting and Unmounting Events, Components and Props, State
  • and Lifecycle, Handling Events
  • useState, useEffect, useRef
  • Working with Hooks Example
  • Fetching Endpoint with Hook
  • Working with Lazy Initialisation with Hooks
  • Introduction to useContext
  • Redux for State Management, Introduction to Redux, Basic
  • Building Blocks, Store, Actions, Action Types and Action Creators,
  • Dispatch Mechanism, Vanilla Redux for Better Understanding,
  • Redux with ReactJS, The Application Flow, Choosing the Right
  • Model for Store, Implementing Redux for a Basic Application
  • Introduction to React Router
  • Route Configuration – Link, Navigate, Route, Router
Module 7:
Cloud – AWS
  • Creating AWS Account, Understanding ec2 Instance
    – Deploying Spring boot Application with Containerisation
  • Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    – S3 Regions, Buckets and Objects
  • Create Bucket in S3, Upload – Make Public – Rename – Delete File
    in S3, Delete and Restore Files in S3
  • Testing : JUNIT, JEST
Full Stack Development Classes in Vasai

Full Stack Development Classes in Vasai

Full Stack Development Classes in Vasai

Full Stack Development Classes in Vasai