Assignments, evaluation tests, coding challenges, and exercises abound in the C & C++ training programme.

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Assignments, evaluation tests, coding challenges, and exercises abound in the C & C++ training programme. C And C++ Programming Courses In Vasai

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Students and businesses have a great opportunity thanks to ICONIC EDUCATION to learn C & C++ from scratch and gain a solid understanding of fundamental programming concepts. The top training facility for a C & C++ certification course is ICONIC EDUCATION. All of the students receive practical education here. The exercises, assessments, coding challenges, and assignments in the C and C++ training curriculum are extensive. We provide programming courses in C and C++ at a very competitive price. You will receive daily individual support from our trainer for any doubt clearing. You’ll learn how to create programs from scratch and construct functions.



Students and businesses have a great opportunity thanks to ICONIC EDUCATION to learn C & C++ from scratch and gain a solid understanding of fundamental programming concepts. The top training facility for a C & C++ certification course is ICONIC EDUCATION. All of the students receive practical education here. The exercises, assessments, coding challenges, and assignments in the C and C++ training curriculum are extensive. We provide programming courses in C and C++ at a very competitive price. You will receive daily individual support from our trainer for any doubt clearing. You’ll learn how to create programmes from scratch and construct functions.

Course Content

Introduction of C Programming.
Program Structure
Basic Syntax
C variables
Contants & Literals
Stroage Classes
Decision Making
Input & Output
File I/O
Command line Arguments
Error Handling
Memory Managements
Introduction of C++ Programming.
C++Basic Syntax
Comments in C++
C++ Datatypes
C++ Variables & its scope
C++ Constants and Litrals
C++ Modifiers
Stroage Classes
Loops Types
Decision Making
Numbers in C++
Date & Time
Basic Input & Output
Data Structure
Oops Concept
Files & Streams
Excetion Handling
Dynamic Memory Allocation
NameSpacing in c++

Course Content

Introduction of C Programming.
Program Structure
Basic Syntax
C variables
Contants & Literals
Stroage Classes
Decision Making
Input & Output
File I/O
Command line Arguments
Error Handling
Memory Managements

Introduction of C++ Programming.
C++Basic Syntax
Comments in C++
C++ Datatypes
C++ Variables & its scope
C++ Constants and Litrals
C++ Modifiers
Stroage Classes
Loops Types
Decision Making
Numbers in C++
Date & Time
Basic Input & Output
Data Structure
Oops Concept
Files & Streams
Excetion Handling
Dynamic Memory Allocation
NameSpacing in c++






Training Schedule – C++ Training Course
Module 1:
What is C++?
Fundamentals of a C++ Program?
Installing the C++ Compiler
Module 2:
Structure of a C++ Program
Overview of the Structure of a C++ Program.
include Preprocessor Directive.
The main() function.
Basic Input and Output (I/O) using cin and cout.
Writing our first program.
What are Compiler Errors?
What are Compiler Warnings?
What are Linker Errors?
What are Runtime Errors?
What are Logic Errors?
Module 3:
Variables and Constants
What is a variable?
Declaring and Initializing Variables.
Global Variables.
Local Variables
What is the Size of a Variable (size of)
What is a Constant?
Declaring and Using Constants.
Module 4:
Arrays and Vectors
What is an Array?.
Declaring and Initializing Arrays.
Accessing and Modifying Array Elements.
Multidimensional Arrays.
Declaring and Initializing Vectors.
Accessing and Modifying Vector Elements.
Module 5:
Statements and Operators
Expressions and Statements.
Using Operators.
The Assignment Operator.
Arithmetic Operators.
Increment and Decrement Operators.
Mixed Expressions and Conversions.
Testing for Equality.
Relational Operators.
Logical Operators.
Compound Assignment Operators.
Operator Precedence.
Module 6:
Controlling Program Flow
if Statement.
if else Statement.
Nested if Statements.
switch-case Statement.
Conditional Operator.
Nested Loops.
Module 7:
Characters and Strings
Character Functions.
C-Style Strings.
Working with C-style Strings.
C++ Strings.
Module 8:
What is a Function?
Function Definition.
Function Prototypes.
Function Parameters and the return Statement.
Default Argument Values.
Overloading Functions.
Passing Arrays to Functions.
Pass by Reference.
Scope Rules.
How do Function Calls Work?
inline Functions.
Recursive Functions.
Module 9:
Pointers and References
What is a Pointer?.
Declaring Pointers.
Accessing the Pointer Address and Storing Address in a Pointer.
Dereferencing a Pointer.
Dynamic Memory Allocation.
The Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers.
Pointer Arithmetic.
Const and Pointers.
Passing Pointers to Functions.
Returning a Pointer from a Function.
Potential Pointer Pitfalls.
What is a Reference?
L-values and R-values.
Using the CodeLite IDE Debugger.
Module 10:
OOP – Classes and Objects
What is Object-Oriented Programming?.
What are Classes and Objects?
Declaring a Class and Creating Objects.
Accessing Class Members.
public and private.
Implementing Member Methods.
Constructors and Destructors.
The Default Constructor.
Overloading Constructors.
Constructor Initialization lists.
Delegating Constructors.
Constructor Parameters and Default Values.
Copy Constructor.
Shallow Copying with the Copy Constructor.
Deep Copying with the Copy Constructor.
Move Constructors.
The ‘this’ Pointer.
Using const with Classes.
Static Class Members.
Structs vs Classes.
Module 11:
oops concepts in c++
Operator Overloading
Module 12:
Smart Pointers
What is a Smart Pointer? Ownership and RAII.
Unique Pointers.
Shared Pointers.
Weak Pointers.
Custom Deleters.
Module 13:
Exception Handling
Basic Concepts and a Simple Example: Dividing by Zero.
Throwing an Exception from a Function.
Handling Multiple Exceptions.
Stack Unwinding and How it Works.
Creating User-Defined Exception Classes.
Class Level Exceptions.
The C++ std::exception Class Hierarchy.
Module 14:
I/O and Streams
Files, Streams and I/O.
Stream Manipulators.
Reading from a Text File.
Module 15:
The Standard Template Library (STL)
What is the STL?.
Generic Programming with Macros.
Generic Programming with Function Templates.
Generic Programming with Class Templates.
Creating a Generic Array Template Class.
Introduction to STL Containers.
Introduction to STL Iterators.
Introduction to STL Algorithms.
Sequence Container(Array,Vector,Deque).
Associative Containers.
Container Adaptors.


C++ Training Course
Module 1:
  • What is C++?
  • Fundamentals of a C++ Program?
  • Installing the C++ Compiler
Module 2:
Structure of a C++ Program
  • Overview of the Structure of a C++ Program.
  • include Preprocessor Directive.
  • Comments.
  • The main() function.
  • Namespaces.
  • Basic Input and Output (I/O) using cin and cout.
  • Writing our first program.
  • What are Compiler Errors?
  • What are Compiler Warnings?
  • What are Linker Errors?
  • What are Runtime Errors?
  • What are Logic Errors?
Module 3:
Variables and Constants
  • What is a variable?
  • Declaring and Initializing Variables.
  • Global Variables.
  • Local Variables
  • What is the Size of a Variable (sizeof)
  • What is a Constant?
  • Declaring and Using Constants.
Module 4:
Arrays and Vectors
  • What is an Array?.
  • Declaring and Initializing Arrays.
  • Accessing and Modifying Array Elements.
  • Multidimensional Arrays.
  • Declaring and Initializing Vectors.
  • Accessing and Modifying Vector Elements.
Module 5:
Statements and Operators
  • Expressions and Statements.
  • Using Operators.
  • The Assignment Operator.
  • Arithmetic Operators.
  • Increment and Decrement Operators.
  • Mixed Expressions and Conversions.
  • Testing for Equality.
  • Relational Operators.
  • Logical Operators.
  • Compound Assignment Operators.
  • Operator Precedence.
Module 6:
Controlling Program Flow
  • if Statement.
  • if else Statement.
  • Nested if Statements.
  • switch-case Statement.
  • Conditional Operator.
  • Looping.
  • Nested Loops.
Module 7:
Characters and Strings
  • Character Functions.
  • C-Style Strings.
  • Working with C-style Strings.
  • C++ Strings.
Module 8:
  • What is a Function?
  • Function Definition.
  • Function Prototypes.
  • Function Parameters and the return Statement.
  • Default Argument Values.
  • Overloading Functions.
  • Passing Arrays to Functions.
  • Pass by Reference.
  • Scope Rules.
  • How do Function Calls Work?
  • inline Functions.
  • Recursive Functions.
Module 9:
Pointers and References
  • What is a Pointer?.
  • Declaring Pointers.
  • Accessing the Pointer Address and Storing Address in a Pointer.
  • Dereferencing a Pointer.
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation.
  • The Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers.
  • Pointer Arithmetic.
  • Const and Pointers.
  • Passing Pointers to Functions.
  • Returning a Pointer from a Function.
  • Potential Pointer Pitfalls.
  • What is a Reference?
  • L-values and R-values.
  • Using the CodeLite IDE Debugger.
Module 10:
OOP – Classes and Objects
  • What is Object-Oriented Programming?.
  • What are Classes and Objects?
  • Declaring a Class and Creating Objects.
  • Accessing Class Members.
  • public and private.
  • Implementing Member Methods.
  • Constructors and Destructors.
  • The Default Constructor.
  • Overloading Constructors.
  • Constructor Initialization lists.
  • Delegating Constructors.
  • Constructor Parameters and Default Values.
  • Copy Constructor.
  • Shallow Copying with the Copy Constructor.
  • Deep Copying with the Copy Constructor.
  • Move Constructors.
  • The ‘this’ Pointer.
  • Using const with Classes.
  • Static Class Members.
  • Structs vs Classes.
Module 11:
oops concepts in c++
  • Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
Module 12:
Smart Pointers
  • What is a Smart Pointer? Ownership and RAII.
  • Unique Pointers.
  • Shared Pointers.
  • Weak Pointers.
  • Custom Deleters.
Module 13:
Exception Handling
  • Basic Concepts and a Simple Example: Dividing by Zero.
  • Throwing an Exception from a Function.
  • Handling Multiple Exceptions.
  • Stack Unwinding and How it Works.
  • Creating User-Defined Exception Classes.
  • Class Level Exceptions.
  • The C++ std::exception Class Hierarchy.
Module 14:
I/O and Streams
  • Files, Streams and I/O.
  • Stream Manipulators.
  • Reading from a Text File.
Module 15:
The Standard Template Library (STL)
  • What is the STL?.
  • Generic Programming with Macros.
  • Generic Programming with Function Templates.
  • Generic Programming with Class Templates.
  • Creating a Generic Array Template Class.
  • Introduction to STL Containers.
  • Introduction to STL Iterators.
  • Introduction to STL Algorithms.
  • Sequence Container(Array,Vector,Deque).
  • Associative Containers.
  • Container Adaptors.
C And C++ Programming Classes In Vasai

C And C++ Programming Classes In Vasai

C And C++ Programming Classes In Vasai

C And C++ Programming Classes In Vasai